KDHX Presents
Jean Ponzi welcomes Naturalist author Jim Ottaviani

Join us on Tuesday, October 27 at 7pm CT for this special Facebook livestream Earthworms podcast event!

Earthworms Live digs the brand new graphic adaptation of Naturalist, the story of rock star biologist E. O. Wilson. Earthworms host Jean Ponzi welcomes Naturalist author Jim Ottaviani (also a nuclear engineer!) to hear how he adapted Wilson's 1994 memoir as a graphic narrative with illustrator C.M. Butzer. This Naturalist relates to new generations the ecological work and world of a living learning giant. Science! Pictures! Panels! Ants!

Watch the live recording of the podcast on the KDHX Facebook page!

Earthworms Live Podcast
Tuesday, October 27 at 7pm CT
KDHX Facebook page


Subscribe and listen to Earthworms today at: http://earthworms.kdhx.org/



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